Core Training in ISTDP
A new ISTDP Core Training group is formed each year. Dr. Joel Town and Dr. Allan Abbass co-lead the training. This is a 3-year program with a group of 12 colleagues meeting online four times a year for two days of teaching, plus attendance at the 3-day annual Halifax Immersion course. Training blocks involve didactic teaching, practice exercises and supervision of clinic work. Each participant presents audio-visual recordings of their work at each block for supervision purposes. For further information on ISTDP Core Training and details on how to register for the next group please contact [email protected].
The dates for the annual training blocks will likely take place in March, June, and September each year academic year. The September block will be scheduled alongside the annual Halifax Immersion which is provided at a reduced rate for trainees participating in core training.
Participants must be registered health care professionals and able to video record sessions of their clinical work for supervision purposes. If you are interested in this training opportunity, please contact [email protected] for details and send your Curriculum Vitae.

6080 Young Street, Suite 301, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3K 5L2
Phone: (902) 444-3443
Fax: (902) 444-3104
Email: [email protected]